Beautiful Box Set of the short film ‘Leonardo’ created by animation veteran Jim Capobianco. “Leonardo” tells the story of Leonardo da Vinci and his ambition to fly. An allegory for the creative spirit in which one’s creative endeavour no matter if it succeeds or fails inevitable leads to the next obsession.
The film won several awards and is now in the permeant collection of the MoMA in New York city.
The box set includes:
Four versions of the short film ‘Leonardo’ each with commentary by Jim Capobianco. The three versions cover the process of creating a short animated film from storyboarding to completion.
Art work, character designs, background art
Deleted scenes
A description of Leonardo’s inventions seen in the short
A notebook
A flip book
and a pencil
All in a lovely folio designed to look elegant on your shelf.
product is 6” x 1”x 8” 1lb