Directed by award winning documentarian Josh Kornbluth a series of videos aiming to persuade primary care providers (PCPs) to screen all their older patients for signs of dementia as early as possible.
Catching cognitive decline early is crucial in so many ways: The new drugs to slow brain disease are effective only in its earliest stages. When patients and their loved ones learn of their cognitive issues while they are still able to make good decisions, it gives them the power and dignity to plan ahead. Dealing early with dementia -- which is still incurable -- allows for treatments and lifestyle adjustments that can help keep it as manageable as possible, rather than leading to a series of crises. All in all, making early screening for dementia as much an essential part of a PCP's regular exams as checking on temperature, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, etc., can revolutionize healthcare in California and elsewhere, making tremendous improvements in the lives of individuals, their caregivers, their communities, and society at large. We are really proud to be supporting Josh and UCSF in this initiative.